Classes Assignment 1) Make 2 constructor functions makeAnt makeFood 1b) Make 2 arrays : ants and food 2) makeAnt creates ants, ants contain the following things: x,y position hit points draw function move function Each ant should draw itself at its x,y coordinates. Move towards food and eat it (and get hit points for doing so) Lose hit points for every step they take (starve) Make sure the ants keep track of which food index that will target Make sure the target index is not out of bounds (keep program from crashing) makeFood makes the food. These are much simpler x,y position draw function eaten: true of false 3) Make sure that when a peice of food is eaten or if an ant runs out of hit points that they are removed from their arrays. 4) Put in 1 extra feature of your own choosing, and be sure to indent and comment your code.