#VARIABLES, INPUT, OUTPUT #TYPES OF VARIABLES: # string- words # int- non decimal numbers # float- decimal numbers #Declares a variable of type String called 'name' #The equal sign assigns the value to the variable, its NOT a math '=' name = "guzy" #This outputs the variable and some other words to the screen print("hello " + name) print("Please enter a verb") #Tell the user to type verb1 = input() #Get input from the user and DECLARE a new variable to store print("You entered " + verb1) #Confirm message #Same as above, get input and store it, then output it print("Please input the second verb") verb2 = input() print("You entered " + verb2) #Put the two variables together and make a MADLIB, fun times. print("The dog did a " + verb1 + " and then the dog did " + verb2) #Now with numbers print("Now its time to enter 2 numbers 1 at a time") score1 = int(input()) # 'int' converts the String input into math input score2 = int(input()) #The process of converting data types (string -> int etc) is called 'casting' print(score1 + score2) #It just did a math addition, instead of String addition print(score1 - score2) print(score1 / score2) #decimal style division 7 / 2 => 3.5 print(score1 // score2) #integer style division 7 //2 => 3 print(score1 * score2) #Regular old multiplication 7 * 2 = 14 print(score1 ** score2) #Exponent 7 && 2 = 7 x 7 = 49