TO DO Find and define 5 HTML tags


header info, titles etc tables, pictures, canvas etc, then entire content the site code tables!
1 cell
Write an HTML page from scratch that says "hello world" -Create a table (any number of rows & columns) Hello world
Javascript List all the different types of variables -Integer -Float (decimal) -Boolean -String -Character Write the important parts of a program to display 2 names var name1, name2; name1 = "Raimi"; name2 = "Nusair"; ctx.fillText(name1 + " " + name2, 100,100); Write another program to calculate the total bill of Mr.Guzy going hog wild at the computer store (use however much money you think Guzy has.) General code example var stupidQuestion1 = 5; var sillyQuestion2 = 2; ctx.fillText("the answer is: " + (stupidQuestion1 + sillQuestion2), 100,100);