1) Write a program that stores your name and age. Display both the name and the age in the same sentence. Create a border on the edges of the canvas using Javascript (not the HTML stuff) 2) Write a program to calculate the tax on an item. Using variables, store the name of the item and the price of the item. Calculate the total price of the item (assume 15% tax) Display the name of the item and amount of tax and the total cost. B) Write a receipt for 5 items. Include taxes, titles, names, prices etc C) Write an end game summary (any game you wish, even a made up one) Eg Monsters found : 34 Damage dealt: 100003 And so on so forth 3) Write a program that stores: Their first name and their last name. 4 marks (eg 75, 80, 90, 60). Find the average of the 4 marks. Display the users name (last name first, then first name) then the average of their marks. eg. Hulk, The your average is 83%