The functions "quiz" Functions with: Inputs Outputs No Input or Outputs Both ---------------------------------------- No Input or Outputs def job(): print("==========") print("things") Example Usage: job() ---------------------------------------- Inputs NOTE: You can have any number of inputs Example 1 def greeting(name): print("his/her excellency") print("the") print(name) Example Usage: greeting("Guzy") Example 2 def greeting(firstname, lastname) print("Hello " + firstname + " " + lastname) Example Usage: greeting("Mr", "Guzy") ----------------------------------------- Outputs NOTE: you can only have at MOST 1 single output def getAGrade(): return random.randint(100) Example Usage: myGrade = getAGrade() ------------------------------------------- Both def getAGoodGrade(minGrade): return minGrade + random.randint(100 - minGrade) Example Usage: myGrade = getAGoodGrade(50) print("A good grade could be ", getAGoodGrade(90))