1) Write a function that displays a low quality picture of a stick person using fillrect Have the function use x and y values as parameters to give the person a location. Use the function to draw several people on the screen. 2) Write a function that produces random numbers with the range of numbers defined via a parameter (a function input variable) 3) Write a function addBall for a glorious PONG game So you need 4 global arrays ballx bally ballspeedx ballspeedy make a function addBall(x,y, sx, sy) This function must push the input parameters onto the global arrays 4) Write another PONG ball game function the checks collisions function bounceBall(index){ } This function has an input parameter 'index' that refers to the array index value for a specific ball. **So no need for a loop. It just checks 1 ball. Example bounceBall(5) will check if the sixth ball needs to bounce. The ball will bounce if the mouse coordinates touch it, the ball is also an easy to work with square of size 20x20 Have the speed variables multiply by (-1) to complete the bounce. 5) Write code that can check every ball in the array for bouncey goodness. Do this with ONE LINE OF CODE! Bwaaahhaaaha!.