For Loop Questions Start a New canvas. Do all the following on the SAME canvas. Using a FOR LOOP, 1) Write your name 5 times 2) Write "Wooooooo" with the o's being done via for loop 2b) Expand the Wooo to be properly exciting, make it have exactly 15 o's 3) Draw a thick line using fillRect's that are all square (your making a line with nothing but squares 10x10). Make the line go sideways for 60 pixels using your 10x10 squares. 3b) Make the line go vertical for 60 pixels using your 10x10 squares. 3c) Make the line go on a perfect 45 degree slant in any direction you want. 3d) Increase the slant so the line is steeper than the one in 3c. 4) Use several for loops and fillRect's (same as those in 3) to create a border that goes around the edges of the screen. The border should be a series of squares (10x10) with a 5 pixel gap between the squares. Don't worry about the corners looking funny. I never cared much for corners.