import math """ Store 5 integers -> calucate the average of all 5 """ num1 = 1 num2 = 2 num3 = 3 num4 = 12 num5 = 28 #print( (num1 + num2 + num3 + num4 + num5) / 5 ) """ Store 2 scores -> print out the highest score """ score1 = 50 score2 = 12 if score1 > score2: print("Score 1 for the win!", score1) elif score2 > score1: print("Score 2 must be bigger than score1" + str(score2)) else: print("everyones a winner!") """ Given 2 numbers: n & s n: number of chairs s: number of students print out a message indicating if there are enough chairs if not enough, print out how many more are needed """ n = 25 s = 35 #if n >= s: another way to do it if you want to if n == s or n > s: print("no problems here") else: print("whoa, not enough chairs, go to mazers class and steal: " + str( s - n ) ) """ Given 2 numbers: n & p n: number of 3 person couches p: population of peopel needing seating print out how many people are on the last couch are there even enough couches? """ n = 15 p = 80 numCouch = math.ceil(p // 3) #You must import math in order to use this @ the top if n >= numCouch: print("Last couch has: ", p % 3) else: print("Not enough couches, need ", numCouch - n, " more couches")