Array Questions! 1) Using the prompt command, ask the user for 10 words. Store every word in an array. It is up to you to determine where to put the prompt code in your program. So don't ask me :) Display all the words on the canvas. 2) Use an array to store 3 verbs. Create a madlib using Math.random() to make the program generate a random madlib. NOTE: A madlib is just a sentence that uses the random verbs to fill in a few blanks. Google it. 3) In the init section of your program, fill an array with 5 numbers. You can do this right in the code, no need to ask the user for the numbers. Write an algorithm to search through the array to find the largest value. Be sure to display: -The numbers in the array -Largest value -Index for the location of the largest value. 4) Using the splice command myArray.splice(i, num); i - index value num - number of array elements to remove. We are writing an NSA program that deletes evidence. Using an array store 20 numbers 1- 10 (use a for loop with a Math.random to fill the array with numbers. Use whole numbers, not decimal) Step 1 Display the array to the screen. Do this to be sure the numbers are shing up correctly Step 2 Using a variable, pick a number to be removed from the list Step 3 Using splice, remove all the elements from the array with that number. Display the array to be sure it actually worked. Bonus points for making the number to be removed chosen via a prompt