#Arrays """ insert, append, extend ======================= INSERT: adds a new value at a specific location array.insert(index, value) APPEND: just adds another value to the en of the array array.append(value) EXTEND: used to add many values to an array. You can even add an entire array to the end of another array array.extend(values) array.extend(anotherArray) """ ar = ['a', 'b', 'c'] #ar.insert(1, 'z') #ar.append('g') ar2 = ['j', 'l', 'm'] ar.extend(ar2) for i in range(0 , len(ar)): print(i , " ",ar[i]) marks = [] numMarks = 10 """ for i in range(0, numMarks): marks.append(int(input("Gimme!"))) """ marks = [23,35,24,44,53,62,72,71,89,13] print(marks) #To get the average #Calculate the sum, divide by the total number of marks sumSoFar = 0 howMany = 10 for i in range(0,10): sumSoFar = sumSoFar + marks[i] average = sumSoFar / howMany print(average)