If statements Basic IF if(condition){ //Lots of code } An if statement consists of a CONDITION and some code.. possibly lots. The condition must be either TRUE or FALSE. For example: name == "GUZY". This is a question of sorts, and its answer is either TRUE or FALSE. We call these BOOLEAN values. If the condition turns out to be TRUE, the code inside (between the curly braces) will run. If the condition is FALSE, the code will NOT run. This is great for code that only has to run some of the time. IF Block if(condition1){ } else if(condition2){ }else if(condition3){ }else{ } An IF block can consist of multiple options. If the 1st condition is TRUE, the program runs the code for that part. The program will go down the list checking conditions until one of them evaluates to TRUE. One a condition comes up TRUE, the program will STOP reading all the rest of the code for the ENTIRE if block. For example, if condition2 was TRUE, then condition3 will not even be checked. Everything after condition2 and its code will be IGNORED. You will notice that the final ELSE has no condition. The final ELSE can be be written with no condition as it is final plan, meaning, if you are reading this then all other conditions have failed (come up FALSE) so just do this code and hope for the best.