Whats on the test. Its tomorrow. Been saying it all week. Input / Output - input() , print ( ) - casting, int( ) , float( ), str( ) - variables Example: name = input() age = int(input()) scienceAge = float( input() ) wordNext = age + 1 print("hello next year you are " + str(36.00548)) print(age * 3 + 2) Math -Basic operators, adding, subtacting, multiplying, dividing, exponents, MODULO -NOT crazy math module 37 % 2 = 1 Ifs -if block, if elif else -and or > < == Example if n people are in school regular k people skip t: time it takes for the autodialer to call home p is percent of people that skiped ex 0.5 is 50% Display a message if the autodialer will call home or not n = int(input()) p = float(input()) t = int(input()) k = int(p * n) totalTime = k * t if totalTime > 1000: print("Way too many people, takes days to call. Using the APP instead.") elif totalTime < 500: print("Almost everyone showed up, youre getting the call") else: print("Somewhere between 500 and 1000 minutes, so maybe?") Trial Run 2000 0.752 2 k = 0.752 * 2000 = 1504 totalTime = 2 * 1504 = 3008 if totalTime > 1000: print("no calls, just the app email stuff") elif totalTime < 100: print("totally calls") else: print("maybe") Example 2- More complex if x = number of hours the autodialer goes if x > 1000 and x < 100000: print("melt the dialer") elif x >= 100000: print("can the alien police... RCMP?") print("nope?") elif x > 10000000000 or x < 0: print("see me in 2019 when I fix this thing") else: print("somewhere between (and including) 0 - 1000 has occured") Comparison operators x == 66 #Only 66 x != 66 #Anything but 66