var player = createObjectPic("playerPic.bmp"); player.addFrames("playerPic2.bmp"); var player2 = createObjectPic("timeDuck.png"); All character objects come with lots of vriables and abilities, such as x,y, say("sdfsd") etc They are also able to detect is they are colliding / overlapping another object (They are THAT SMART!) To use it, put it in an IF statement to let the computer make a decision if the two collide. EXAMPLE if(player.collideObject(player2)){ player.say("Whaaaaaaaat!"); } Naturaly, if you want this to be checked as things move and the game plays, this belongs almost always in the ENGINE section //Setup function setup(){ } //Main Game function engine(){ ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; ctx.fillRect(0,0,w,h); if(player.collideObject(player2)){ player.say("Whaaaaaaaat!"); } } //Mouse Click function onClick(){ } //Key presses function keyPress(key){ //To get key number codes console.log(key); /* UP 38 DOWN 40 LEFT 37 RIGHT 39 */ }