====================== == Analog VS Digital ===================== Digital = On / Off or 1 / 0 or HIGH / LOW Analog= Everything in between, 0 -> 1023 ===================== == Serial Monitor =================== Shows data or any other written style output Example: Serial.println(analogRead(A3)); Serial.begin(9600); //9600 is the bits per second Serial.begin(12345); =========================== == General Program Structure ======================== int counter; //Declare all your variables up here void setup(){ //The stuff that happens once Serial.begin(9600); //Start the Serial monitor so you can debug your machine counter = 0; //Give variables start values here } void loop(){ //The stuff that keeps repeating Serial.println("Hello its working"); counter = counter + 1; //Modify your variables in the loop } Comment Its words and things that the computer doesn't read. ======================== == Servo ====================== #include Servo peanut; Servo secondPeanut; void setup(){ pinMode(A2, OUTPUT); pinMode(A3, OUTPUT); peanut.attach(A2); secondPeanut.attach(A3); } void loop(){ peanut.write(87); //For now just go 0 -> 360 } ======================== == Syntax ====================== delay(1000); //1 Second pinMode(#, INPUT); //Set a pin to either INPUT or OUTPUT read/write digitalWrite (4, HIGH); digitalWrite (4, LOW); analogWrite(A4, 1023); analogWrite(A4, 0); analogRead(A3); digitalRead(8); ====================== == If Blocks ==================== if(analogRead(3) > 100){ digitalWrite(7, HIGH); } else if ( condition 2) { } else if ( condition 3 ){ } else { } ==================== == Variables ================== int noDecimals = 9000; //Also less than 32000 bigger then -32000 long yugeNumber; //For VERY large integer numbers float yesDecimals = 9000.7; //Float are for decimals ======================================================= Wiring LED Photoresistor Modules in General