=========================================== == Proper C Code for Arduinos == Turning on / off an LED =========================================== void setup() { //Code to run once at the start } void loop() { //Code that runs over and over repeating } COMMANDS =========================================== pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT or OUTPUT); Example: pinMode(4, OUTPUT); //This makes digital pin 4 an output pin =========================================== digitalWrite(pinNumber, HIGH / LOW); Example: digitalWrite(4, HIGH); //Sends a 1 signal to that pin, for powering an LED or something digitalWrite(4, LOW); //Sends a 0 to in 4. This would turn off an LED for example. =========================================== delay(milliseconds); Example: delay(1000); //Will delay the program for 1 second delay(500); //Will delay for half a second delay(3000); //Will delay for 3 seconds =========================================== =========================================== Blinky light Example Code void setup() { pinMode(4, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(4, HIGH); //Turn on the LED delay(1000); //Wait a second digitalWrite(4, LOW); //Turn off the LED delay(1000); //Wait another second before repeating } =========================================== =========================================== Write a program that blinks out an SOS Thats 3 quick blinks + 3 Slow blinks + 3 More quick blinks